Students of Millennium School, Noida have started a very innovative project called the kabadiwala project. In this project students of Class 6 interviewed a kabadiwala at home and found out how he operates - What materials does he take- metals, plastic etc. and at what rate?
They came back to the classroom and shared the experience of interviewing a kabaadiwala and hte invormation they collected.

The entire class then moved out of the school and went to a head kabadiwala's shop, where all the collected material is dumped. The head was also interviewed and the students found out the recycling trail of all the waste materials in the country. Where does paper go for recycling, where does metal go and so on.
Later, the students invited a local kabadiwala as chief guest for a school event and presented him the report - an acknowledgement of the fact that kabadiwalas are the greatest environmentalists around.
A movie has also been made on the project. Do watch it on you tube at the following link